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Automated KYC & identity Verification


Core Services : 

Identity Verification & ID Scanning
Credit Card Scanning   
Selfie Comparison   
Age Verification   
Name Matching   
Online Behavioral Analysis



Our easy-to-integrate and deploy infrastructure authenticates individual's identities by utilizing Optical Character Recognition

(OCR), Al/ML and fraud detection technologies to quickly and accurately identify mistakes and bad actors attempting to circumvent the identification process and flags or blocks them as appropriate.


Credit Card Scanning

Our credit card scanning solution allows us to detect and extract ine card number. expiration date, and ine caranoiders name wnile Our credit card scanning solution allows us to detect and extract the card number, expiration date, and the cardholder's name while cross referencing it with their personal details. Verif-y's payment card extraction technology is capable of extracting the CV and is on/off configurable. Most merchants do not extract the CV so the user is required to physically have the card and manually enter the value.


Selfie Comparison

Selfie comparison is a critical element of digital identity verification. Verify utilizes facial recognition technology to match the user's ID document image against a selfie image taken with the user's mobile phone. Selfie images can also include the user holding their ID document image at the time of capture to further ensure identity trust. Verif-y's face matching Al technology leads the market and helps organizations to trust that users are who they say they are.


Age Verification

During the ID scan process, Verify extracts the user's date of birth to automatically verify whether they are over the age of 18 or to confirm the age the user has declared. This is combined with a successful selfie comparison process.


Name Matching

Naming can have different order of parts or multiple family names as examples. Exact matching of names provides a limited way to match. Verif-y's fuzzy name matching applies different algorithms to handle some of these variations enhancing your ability to validate your customers' identity.


Online Behavioral Analysis

Verify provides an added layer of confidence through a permissioned, deep social analysis by checking that potential employees are in line with your business values and conduct policies through their digital footprints.






KYC Know Your Customer by Verif-y
Verif-y Accredited Investor Verification Solution
KYC User on-boarding account opening
Sanctions Screening Solution
Verif-y our valued KYC AI solutions partner
Verif-y SOC II type II Compliant
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